Our ancient ancestors celebrated the solstice on the sacred sites at this special time of year. They knew the importance of performing rituals when the portals to the otherworld were open and the veil between the worlds was thin. We will gather together in the circle to create a supportive healing community where we can journey deeper into ourselves and beyond. This workshop is open to those who wish to explore the shamanic realms at a deeper level. We will be performing ritual and ceremony on the sacred sites of the Boyne Valley. Participants will also take part in a Spirit Boat and journey into the womb of mother earth inside the megalithic dome (cairn).
Solstice Workshops include Ecstatic Journey, Dance, Journeying, Healing Circle, Spirit Boat, Fire ceremony, Trance dancing, Time in Nature & Shamanic Healing Work
Shamanism Ireland
Celtic Shamanism
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Drumming on the Hill of Tara