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One to One Sessions available with us

The Oaktree Charitable Trust a non-profit organisation which was set up to help people cope with the stress of life. Martin and Annette are dedicated to promoting and preserving shamanic traditions from around the world, particularly those of the pre-Celtic and Celtic era. 

Martin and Annette on a Shamanic Journey
Martin Duffy About Me

Martin Duffy 

Martin is the director of the OakTree Charitable Trust, a nonprofit organization that runs the Irish Centre for Shamanic Studies and The Transpersonal Institute at Dunderry Park.

The Centre is dedicated to promoting and preserving shamanic traditions from around the world, particularly those of the pre-Celtic and Celtic era. Contemporary Transpersonal approaches are also taught at the centre. Martin has worked as a mental health care professional since 1977. He is an accredited transpersonal /Jungian psychotherapist. He has trained in various forms of consciousness raising methods including Holotropic Breathwork ™, Dreamwork, Trance dancing and Firewalking.

His grandfather and mother were traditional folk healers and he is following in their footsteps. His work is influenced by the Druid traditions of ancient Ireland.

He has done fieldwork with indigenous Shamans from Mongolia, Mexico, the Amazon, Andes, and Africa and also has trained in core Shamanism with the Foundation of Shamanic Studies (U.S.A.) and the Scandinavian Centre for Shamanic Studies.

Martin brings warmth and compassion to his shamanic practice. He has strong values with regards integrity, honesty and openness, in particular he believes in empowering the individual to find healing, knowledge and wisdom within themselves.

He is available for one to one sessions for Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Shamanic Counselling, soul retrieval, extraction work,  and Shamanic Healing. 

To book a one to one session with Martin,  fill in the Book a Session Form on this page. The online course Spiritual Emergence/Emergency is a pre-requisite for attending a session with Martin as this will give a good understanding of how Transpersonal Therapy works. 

Annette Peard

Annette started her spiritual path in earnest 40 years ago, learning body and Indian head massage, metamorphic technique and becoming a Reiki Master. She discovered Shamanism in 1996 and it changed her life. She is a trained Shamanic Counsellor and Practitioner, and has attended many shamanic workshops and rituals both here in Ireland and abroad with Indigenous shamans. She was made a Peace Elder by Lakota Chief Mary Thunder in 1999 at the Four Directions Conference on Thunder Ranch in Texas. She has trained with Grof Transpersonal Training to be a facilitator in Holotropic Breathwork. Annette also completed her Druidic training with the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and is now a Mentor for Bardic students with OBOD. She has continued to hold Shamanic Drumming Circles for over 20 years.
She is available for one-to-one sessions for Shamanic Counselling and Healing (soul retrieval, extraction and journeying), Reiki, Rituals and Druidic Ceremonies. 
Celtic Shamanism, Shamanism Ireland, Celtic Shamanism Ireland, Celtic shamanism training online, Irish Celtic shamanism training online

Book a Session 

Annette Peard Druid
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Breath of Spirit

Annette's new book of Guided poetry and guided meditations for healing, with mandala drawings is now available to purchase. Price Includes P&P.

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